Product Information
Saving And Investment Plans ABSLI POS – Jeevan Bachat Plan
As a responsible individual, you would want the financial security of your family irrespective of market conditions or unforeseen life events. To enable you to deal with such uncertainties of life the Aditya Birla Sun Life Insurance introduces a plan ABSLI POS – Jeevan Bachat Plan with guaranteed saving benefits and financial protection to your family, if you are not around.


  • Fully guaranteed benefits on death or maturity
  • Flexibility to choose the policy term
  • Flexibility to choose the premium paying term


  • Death Benefit:
    In case of the unfortunate demise of the life insured during the policy term, the Death Benefit will be paid to the nominee. The Death benefit is Sum Assured on Death plus Guaranteed Additions accrued till the date of death. The policy shall be terminated once the Death Benefit is paid.
  • Maturity Benefit:
    In the event the life insured survives to the end of the policy term, we shall pay to you the Maturity Sum Assured plus the Guaranteed Additions accrued till maturity.
    (1)Maturity Sum Assured is the sum of all the premiums payable (excluding loadings for modal premiums and applicable taxes, if any)
  • Guaranteed Additions:
    Guaranteed Additions will accrue on monthly basis to the policy on each policy month, after the completion of the premium paying term till the maturity date and shall be payable in event of death of the life insured after the premium paying term or policy maturity whichever is earlier
  • Reduced Paid-Up Benefits:
    If you discontinue paying premiums after having paid premiums for at least two full policy years for premium paying term of 6 and 9 years (three full policy years for premium paying term of 12 years) your policy will not lapse but continue on a Reduced Paid-Up basis
Entry Age(age last birthday) : 1 - 55 years
Premium Paying Term : 1. Single Pay
2. Limited Pay - 6 | 9 | 12 years
Policy Term : 1. For Single Pay & 6 Pay : 10 | 15 | 20 years
2. For 9 & 12 Pay : 15 | 20 years
Maturity Age : 1. Minimum - 18 years 2. Maximum - 65 years